It’s been a while since I have posted anything here on my blog. I have been busy creating art and working two jobs since the pandemic’s beginning. I haven’t taken any time away from my studio these past two years, although I am grateful for the time to develop my creative skills!
I have always been a plate spinner when it comes to life. I have many things going simultaneously, and once in a while, things crash down, shattering everything to bits and pieces. I take these times to slow down, picking up only the parts I want to put back on my plate. It’s like a Marie Kondo thing for my life, not necessarily my stuff.
Last year, I took the Uncluttered Course, and I successfully downsized my belongings and clothes. I stopped short when it came to my studio and art supplies. It’s so hard to get rid of things that bring me joy! But I find myself starting too many projects, then spinning out of control again. A vicious and predictable cycle, I am afraid.
I must slow down and enjoy one project at a time, and I must learn to say no more often. It’s hard when there is inspiration coming in all directions! Maybe I can take one day a week away from distractions to enjoy the sunshine, the sounds of birds chirping, and the beauty of nature. It’s not only okay to slow down. It’s essential for a well-balanced and happy life!
Hi Karen…..I just taught at a conference and it was my Swan Song. I am incredibly excited to finally have the time to do some of the things I have “wanted” to do. One is sitting in the morning with my coffee and enjoy all the beautiful nature around me, no matter where I am. I have had an incredible life teaching for 35 years, now its time to teach myself. Always enjoy your blogs. Bless you and Dale
Thank you, Cass!
Hard to do but it is of utmost importance.
My “mojo” just went out the window over the last couple of years and getting back has be slow going…and then…DryInk. Yep…If not used all those little pads and reinkers just dry up.
Have you read Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way recently? It might help with giving you permission for down time.
Great idea Jan! Thank you 🙂